Every Decision Matters – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation

Every decision matters! Every action you take has a consequence in your future. Don’t just take this as another success quote to throw up on your wall – when you can truly grasp that EVERY action you take has an impact on your future, you can start making better decisions, more conscious decisions, start building momentum and soon you won’t recognize the person you see in the mirror. The changes can be that great. Commit to take your life to the NEXT LEVEL!

You are always just one decision away from a totally different life.

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Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speaker: Chris Ross

Every Decision Matters – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – Every Decision Matters – Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

You are always just one decision away from a totally different life.

Every decision!
Every action!
Every choice counts!

Every choice that is made in your present moment has an impact on your future.
Don’t ever forget this!
. Because it’s one of the most powerful principles you can live by.

Every time you decide to work on yourself, 
instead of taking the easy road, 
that is a STRONGER you in the future!

When you decide to develop your mind, by learning something new, rather than watching the news, that is a STRONGER, BETTER you in the future.

When you decide to eat healthy,
 rather than give in to temptation or feed your body with foods that only do harm… 
STRONGER you in the future.

When you decide to be kind, 
rather than fight a useless battle to defend your position…
STRONGER, BETTER you in the future

When you decide to rise early, and meditate. There is a stronger you. A better you, ready for the future.

When you decide to KEEP GOING despite setbacks – stronger, better you in the future


When you decide to write down every day what you are grateful for, rather than complain about what is not there – a stronger better you in the future.

Every decision and every action matters!
Every action has a consequence in the future – both ways. 
Good and Bad.
So yes, this one time does matter!
Yes, that one sleep in does matter!
Habits matter!
You matter!

From now on DECIDE to make conscious decisions!
Powerful decisions every day!
Set the standard, and continue to raise the bar in your life!

Your positive actions will compound on themselves and soon you won’t recognize the person you see in the mirror.
The changes can be that great

Every decision and every action matters #FearlessMotivation Click to Tweet
Set the standard, and continue to raise the bar in your life! #FearlessMotivation Click to Tweet
The changes can be that great
. YOU CAN BE THAT GREAT! #FearlessMotivation Click to Tweet

every decision matters

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