Whatever it is you want out of life, a great relationship, great financial wealth, great physical strength, health, whatever it is – the obtaining of anything GREAT will require GREAT EFFORT for you to get it, and for you to keep it.
It’s not sexy, but that is the truth. How much EFFORT are you willing to put in, to achieve GREAT SUCCESS?

Great Success Requires Great Effort (Motivational Video)

If you want BETTER than average you must WORK HARDER than average. Click to Tweet

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Great Success Requires Great Effort (Motivational Video) – Motivational Speech – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speaker: William Hollis

Great Success Requires Great Effort (Motivational Video) by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – Great Success Requires Great Effort (Motivational Video) | Fearless Motivation

Effort is what separates the BOYS from the MEN.
What you DO every day, will dictate your FUTURE.
What you want out of your life, is what YOU have to put in.

Failure happens. Mistakes as well. But without them, how could you grow? You couldn’t.

How could you become that successful entrepreneur, without FIRST LEARNING the LESSONS of failure?
You couldn’t.

How much EFFORT would you put in today, to guarantee the FUTURE for your family?
To guarantee the EMPIRE that you dreamed of as a kid?

Most of you claim you’ve been working hard because you got tired!
Tired doesn’t equal hard work!
It’s how hard you work AFTER you get tired!!!
When you get tired – that is when the real work starts!
How hard do you push when you get tired? How many reps have you got left in you when your body says no? 
How many hours have you got left in you when the mind says no? 
How many times can you get back up after life has beaten you down time and time again.

If you want better than average,
 you have to work harder than the average!
If you want greatness: 
Your effort must be greater than great!

It’s not all about physical effort.
It’s about the effort you apply to learning.
The effort you apply to growing.
The effort you apply to finding solutions.

It’s as much about working smart is it is hard.

The effort you put in to become a better person.
A more understanding person.
The effort you put in to helping others.

How many others lives do you impact around you.
From the effort you give to others?

Your quality of life depends on your effort.

 It doesn’t matter what SUCCESS means to you: 
Whatever it is, it will require your effort.
If you want to be a good friend, a good parent: Effort is required.
If you want financial success or physical strength: EFFORT is required, and your level of effort will equal your level of results.
 There are no mistakes.

Give your all,
Every day,
Every minute of every day.

Your BEST effort in each present moment will lead to your best future moments.
There are no mistakes.
All your effort.
All you got.

How much EFFORT would you put in today, to guarantee the FUTURE for your family? Click to Tweet
I WILL WIN, because I will give all my EFFORT! Click to Tweet
Your best effort in each present moment will lead to your best FUTURE moments Click to Tweet

great success

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Related: Hard Work Beats Talent

3 Responses

  1. Nigel Ikechukwu

    This is wonderful post. People need to understand that it’s actually their ACTIONS that makes things happen or change in their favor. Few People have achieved success because there are few people willing to put in the great effort needed to be there. Others wait for it to be given to them. Awesome post!

  2. Renee

    Agreed. This is so true. In order to achieve great success you have to do actions, make moves and get it done. Being tired does not mean you work hard. I actually found this great site that helps achieve people put words into actions and help them achieve success, their goals/dreams, etc. It is called MustMotivate.com

  3. Roxanne Place

    Just Awesome very well said!!!One of my favorite quotes is You’ve got what it takes,it’s gonna take everything you’ve got!!!These kind of posts help keep me motivated.So Thank You!


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