Johnny Depp is an acclaimed and well-loved American actor, producer, and musician. He has been awarded both a Golden Globe and SAG award for his outstanding acting performances. Outside of his role as an artist, Depp is a passionate humanitarian, and contributes to many charities across the globe. Here are 10 Inspiring Johnny Depp Quotes On Life And Fame.
10 Inspiring Johnny Depp Quotes On Life And Fame.
1- We’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we’re all somewhat screwy. Every single one of us. Johnny Depp Quotes
You don’t have to be perfect to be great. We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t like or understand, but it doesn’t need to stand in your way. In fact, it is your uniqueness that is your greatest strength.
2- Just keep moving forward and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you. Johnny Depp Quotes
If you spend your entire life worrying about what other people think, or putting everyone else’s needs above your own, you won’t get anywhere. Row your own canoe and focus on your goals. Forget the rest.
3- I think the thing to do is to enjoy the ride while you’re on it. Johnny Depp Quotes
Life is made of ups and downs. There will always be challenges, and there will also be opportunities for immense joy and satisfaction. You can enjoy all of it, if you choose to.
4- I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labelled. Johnny Depp Quotes
Do what you want. Carve your own path. If people try to put you in a box, take joy out of proving to them that you are too powerful to be defined by words alone.
5- They stick you with those names, those labels — ‘rebel’ or whatever; whatever they like to use. Because they need a label; they need a name. They need something to put the price tag on the back of. Johnny Depp Quotes
The way people label you is absolutely none of your business. What matters is who you are, and what you do with the life that you have been blessed with. People label others when they need to make themselves feel secure, and again, that is none of your business. Pay no mind to it.
6- There’s a drive in me that won’t allow me to do certain things that are easy. Johnny Depp Quotes
Chances are if it’s easy, it won’t be great. The struggles we face on the road to success are what push us to our limits, and force us to recognise the true power that lies within us. Take the high road, not the easy one.
7- When I see someone who just follows their dream and succeeds, and just does basically what they want to do and doesn’t have to answer to anyone, obviously not harming anyone, that’s great. Johnny Depp Quotes
Be happy for others who are following their dream. Surround yourself with those people. They will teach you a lot.
8- I like the challenge of trying different things and wondering whether it’s going to work or whether I’m going to fall flat on my face. Johnny Depp Quotes
Never stop learning and continually challenge yourself. There is always more knowledge to acquire or a different skill to master. Being the best at one thing doesn’t mean that your world ends there. Being open to trying new things keeps you young at heart.
9- It’s only a bad day, not a bad life. Johnny Depp Quotes
Don’t let a bad day dampen your spirit. We all have days when things can seem overwhelming and the world gets on top of us. But it’s only a bad day. And the great thing about bad days is that eventually, they end.
10- One day the people that didn’t believe in you will tell everyone how they met you. Johnny Depp Quotes
When you choose to create a life that goes against the pack, you will almost always have people telling you that you are crazy and that you won’t make it. Don’t worry. Those people don’t have the courage to do what you do. And eventually, those haters will be asking how you did it, and telling everyone how they once knew you. Keep hustling.
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