You owe it to yourself to become as great as you can, in this very short life you are living. To go to the end with no regrets.

You Can’t Soar Like An Eagle When You Surround Yourself With Turkeys – Motivational Video

You Can't Soar Like An Eagle When You Surround Yourself With Turkeys Click to Tweet

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From the motivational speeches album: STRONG MIND, STRONG LIFE.
Eagle or Turkey – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Freddy Fri
+ Jones 2.0

You Can’t Soar Like An Eagle When You Surround Yourself With Turkeys – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – You Can’t Soar Like An Eagle When You Surround Yourself With Turkeys – Motivational Video | Fearless Motivation

You can’t soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys.
Isn’t that the truth.

But in order to soar like an eagle, you also must release yourself from anything that is weighing you down.

You can’t soar like an eagle if you’re unhealthy. 
I don’t see any obese eagles dominating the sky.

Your health is probably the most important part of your life. Certainly one of the most important factors in living a GREAT life.

Having ENERGY for life, starts in your physical body.

It’s much easier to get your mind right when your body is right.
Build a strong body and your mind will follow.

You can’t soar like an eagle with the mindset of a turkey.

If you don’t believe you can fly, you will never fly.
If you don’t believe you are capable of soaring to the top of your own mountain peak in life, you will never try and therefor never succeed.

If your mind is full of negativity…
You will never see the positive.

If your mind is full of limitations it is closed off to opportunities and possibilities that might be right in front of your face.

So in order for you to soar like that eagle, you need to get your blinkers on.
You must FOCUS.

 The eagle can FOCUS on and lock in on its prey from miles away.
You must FOCUS on your goal, and lock it in from wherever you are.
ELIMINATE the idea of defeat!
LOCK in your goal.
DETERMINE what it is going to take to get there and TAKE OFF. 
Just GO – Go get that GOAL.
Don’t stop until you have it in your grasp!

Next you must fill your mind and body with ONLY the things that will take you closer to your goals.

If you’re surrounded by turkeys it’s time to limit that interaction, and get around the dream chasers.
 Those that want to SOAR.

Those that want to LEAD.
 Those that are prepared to face the storm, and thrive despite the storm.

If you have weights tied to your legs,
if you have things that are weighing you down in life and preventing you from taking off…
it’s NOW time to release those shackles.

Set yourself free so you can fly.
It might not be easy to get those shackles off. 
It might be painful.
It might leave a scar.
 But you must do what is best for you.
You can not be imprisoned for your entire life.

 You were born to fly.
To make your own decisions.
To walk your own path, 
To do it on your watch!

 You were born to be in control of your life.
You were born to DOMINATE
You MUST follow your own path!

If the turkeys love you, they will learn to soar with you.
If they are meant to be with you, you can help them along, but you can only help them after you help yourself.
 You must go your own way first.

You Can't Soar Like An Eagle When You Surround Yourself With TurkeysImages © Fearless Motivation, by @ebenism

If you don't BELIEVE you can 'fly', you will never 'fly' Click to Tweet
If you’re surrounded by turkeys it's time to limit that interaction, and get around the dream chasers. Click to Tweet
You were born to DOMINATE. You MUST follow your own path!

 Click to Tweet

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One Response

  1. Jhun chua

    This is good, and helpful. But I just want to add that, you can never and you must never take GOD out of the picture. Before you do all this motivations, you MUST because you NEED to acknowledge and consult GOD first. Every victirious men in the Bible never forget to acknowledge and consult GOD first every step of the way for guidance and direction.


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