Let’s get real, challenging your mind and body is a necessary part of life.

While most people understand that physical exercise is crucial for long-term health, very few people exercise the mind.

Mental exercises aren’t just great for your brain but science has proven they can make you more intelligent.

If you think you’re ‘too old’ or can’t learn something new – we know this is false.

The magic of brain neuroplasticity tells us your brain can learn new skills, and you can become more intelligent. Here’s how..

5 Ways to Become More Intelligent

1. Become an Avid Reader | Make You Smarter

Reading has endless benefits. Sure, it’ll help you learn new skills and potentially earn more money but it also reduces stress.

Reading has shown to increase all three types of intelligence and easy to see why it’s a habit of successful people. 

Consistent reading has been proven to help with problem-solving, detecting patterns, and communicating more effectively leading to stronger relationship with others.

Plus, the more you learn, the more you earn!

5 Scientifically Proven Habits That Will Make You Smarter brain training readers are leaders Tony Robbins quote smarter intelligent intelligence

2. Exercise Consistently | Make You Smarter

Regular exercise produces BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic function) and your brain loves it! BDNF is a protein that helps with memory, learning, focus, concentration, and comprehension. This is why you feel so sharp and laser-focused during and after a strenuous workout.

But studies found that it’s more helpful and effective if done regularly, say 3-5x per week than 1-2x per week. So don’t skip more than a day or two for the most benefit. 

3. Start Playing a Musical Instrument | Make You Smarter

Playing a musical instrument is another great habit that can make you more intelligent. Instead of listening to music so much, try to make your own.

Playing music can help with math, fine motor skills, creativity, analytical skills, and more. You can go back to your school days or try a new instrument, either way, it can help you relax and train your brain!

5 Scientifically Proven Habits That Will Make You Smarter where words fail music speaks.

4. Learn a New Language | Make You Smarter

If you’re like me, you probably gave up on learning new languages once school was over. But successfully learning new languages enables your brain to perform harder tasks much easier.

Plus, studies have shown that speaking at least two languages positively affects your ability to monitor your environment and redirect your attention to learning new processes.

Learning another language might not be easy but it’s well worth it.

Not only can you challenge your mind but you’ll be a more valuable resource at work. Plus, you can enjoy travel and might open up doors you might not have the chance at before.

5. Exercise Your Mind | Make You Smarter

The brain loves a good challenge. Yet we live in an Instagram world where people mindlessly scroll instead of actively trying to exercise the mind.

Instead, switch to a brain game. Things like riddles, board games, sudoku, puzzles, video games, card games, and similar activities all help increase neuroplasticity.

These games will make nerve cells respond in new ways and will actually allow you to see problems from different points of view.

5 Scientifically Proven Habits That Will Make You Smarter don‘t neglect your mind, train it as hard as you train your body.

Bonus: Meditation

Meditation allows you to control your brain waves and become more aware of your thoughts. If you’re experiencing stress for a job interview or business negotiation, meditation can help. It’s a common practice from some of the most successful people on the planet and easy to start.  

Use these tricks to start evolving your mind and constantly pushing yourself. Your brain is a powerful machine, don’t forget to exercise it as much as your body!

5 Responses

  1. Matt Mortensen

    These are all amazing tips! I do the first 3 and use to do the first 4. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Azad Surve

    I dont think any type of video game or mobile game is useful for brain. Rather i suggest stay away from screen


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