What Am I Capable of? Motivational Speech

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What Am I Capable Of? Motivational Speech – Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Chris Ross

What Am I Capable of? Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Film By E.T. Rouleau | CAST: Guy LawlerWhitney Geoghegan, Hieu Tran, Georgia Naulty

Transcript – What Am I Capable of? Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

What am I capable of?
 I mean really… what am I TRULY CAPABLE OF?

When I get to the end of my life I want to know for sure I left nothing on the table. I want to know I gave my heart and soul to reach my truest potential.

Is it even possible to reach your potential?

You see… the bar is always moving…

When you conquer the biggest mountain of your life, you realize you are capable of climbing higher… and there’s always a bigger mountain to climb.

Every time you reach the next level you GROW… and every time you GROW… your potential changes.

After you conquer that challenge you discover that what you are NOW capable of has changed… you have more strength to conquer higher mountains.

If you are going to reach your true potential you have much bigger challenges to face. There’s an unlimited amount of mountains to climb… because your GROWTH is unlimited.

And because your GROWTH is unlimited, that means your POTENTIAL is also unlimited.

It’s like a video game with an infinite amount of levels. Each time you master one level, you unlock a new level, a new challenge, and a new YOU to take on that challenge.

It’s NEVER ENDING… A never ending journey of GROWTH and EXPANSION.

what am I capable of

YOUR GROWTH is unlimited in EVERY AREA.

Ask yourself: Can my HEALTH BE BETTER?
How? What can I do NOW to make those changes so I can reach the next level in my health?
 Because the new ENERGY I will get from better health is going to help me get to the next level in other areas as well.
Can my relationships be better?

How can I be better in my communication, or my presence, or how I treat others?
How can I build better relationships?
What can I do now? What can I learn or commit to now to make that area of my life better?

Can my mental health and self-image be better? What can I work on every day to make sure my inner talk and sense of self is better?
 Because the better I feel about me, the better I am going to show up in this world.

Can my knowledge improve? In what areas? What can I learn that will improve my future? What new skills can I learn that will lead me closer to my potential?

My business or finances. How can they be better? What can I commit to, learn or study to make sure my income continues to rise, to new levels?

What am I capable of?

When I get to the end of my life I want to know for sure I left nothing on the table. I want to know I gave my heart and soul to reach my truest potential.

I want to know I did all I could to carve out the greatest version of me. No regrets.

That’s what it’s about. Having ZERO REGRETS. And you can only have no regrets if you gave every ounce of your soul while you were alive on this planet.

EVERY AREA CAN be mastered so I am going to master EVERY AREA. What’s the point in having one piece of the pie… I’m cooking the whole thing so I’m going to enjoy the whole thing. Piece by piece until my soul is full… and it will NEVER BE FULL UNTIL THE END OF MY LIFE.

When I look in the mirror and can say honestly: “I GAVE EVERYTHING TO BE MY VERY BEST, and I’m proud of who I have become” Until that day I WILL NOT STOP!

I don’t know if it’s possible to reach my potential… but I’ll die trying to find out.

I want to KNOW what my life would be like if I just GAVE EVERYTHING I HAVE for my goals and dreams. Not just one day… EVERY DAY!



How great could I become?

Ask yourself that question: How great could I become? What areas of my life could be the VERY BEST they have ever been?

What could I commit to, right now, to make ABSOLUTELY SURE I am pushing for my highest potential?

I WANT YOU TO MAKE THAT COMMITMENT TODAY: Push yourself. Do whatever you MUST do, to ensure you get to the end with NO REGRETS. Knowing you left NOTHING on the table.

Knowing you GAVE EVERYTHING to reach your truest potential!

what am I capable of

Do whatever you MUST do, to ensure you get to the end with NO REGRETS. Knowing you left NOTHING on the table. Click to Tweet

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