I Just Don’t Get It – Motivational Speech (The Living Dead) | Get the NEW album Success & Nothing Less NOW
Don’t ever give up on your dream. YOU DESERVE greatness, and if you work for it you will get it! If you commit to growth, and NEVER GIVE UP you WILL reach success. Don’t be like the majority, who have no intention of reaching their full potential. You deserve to KNOW what you are capable of. #TeamFearless
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Download – I Just Don’t Get It – Motivational Speech (The Living Dead) by Fearless Motivation – Music Track on iTunes | Google Play or Amazon MP3
Lyrics Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speaker: Chris Ross
I Just Don’t Get It – Motivational Video (The Living Dead) – WATCH FREE:
Transcript – I Just Don’t Get It – Motivational Speech (The Living Dead) | Fearless Motivation
I just don’t get it
They complain but they don’t change.
They “can’t stand it” but they settle for it.
They say they hate where they are,
Yet they stay there in the same place,
The same life, same crew, same bar
They want to be successful,
Yet they hate on the successful.
They want SUCCESS,
They want the fame,
But they aren’t willing to get in the game.
Not even have a crack!
Not even try!
I don’t get it! Why?
They say they want to “make it big”
Well… you do the same thing day in, day out:
You get the same results on repeat
That’s not my two cents
Just common sense!
You want big change:
Take big action !
Take massive action!
Make some big calls!
It may require a move,
It may require a new crew,
Are you willing to sacrifice?
Willing to push through?
Why would you settle
For less than you can be,
For less than your potential,
For less than your worth,
Why wouldn’t you take a risk?
Who cares if you fail once,
You are failing by default by not trying!
You’re not even living! You’re dying!
You’re dying a little more everyday
Because deep down inside
You gave up on that dream
That knowing that you deserve it
Knowing you deserve every bit
Yeah… it’s gonna be hard,
That’s what makes it worthwhile!
It’s that moment in your life when you can truly say “look at me”
I made it. I never gave up!
I believed in me when no one else did
I’m in charge of my life.
I’m the captain of my ship. The director of my dreams!
It’s that moment of pride.
That moment when you know,
Without a doubt
That you made this.
You are the creator
It’s that moment of realization,
That any thing is possible
There’s no such thing as impossible!
If you believe it you can achieve it!
I just don’t understand why they won’t try
They are willing to go to the end
The living dead, just waiting to die
They say you only live once but if you do it right once is enough
How true is that,
Seems not many are listening,
Seems not many are paying attention,
They should start paying attention!
Because one day it might be too late.
One day they may meet their fate.
I couldn’t think of anything worse than not TRYING to reach my full potential
To squeeze every bit of LIFE out
To know I tried
To know I lived before I died!
Too bad it’s not available in Google Play Malaysia region or something. Just can’t make any purchase.
Hey, should be available worldwide on GooglePlay – if not you can purchase the MP3 versions on either AmazonMP3 or CDbaby. Let us know if any issues – Team Fearless