Signs That a Young Adult May Need Help Coping with Stress

Young adults are constantly under a great amount of stress. With finding a job, staying on top of their college classes, moving out of their parent’s home, and just thinking about the future, there’s a lot that can run through their minds. Sometimes it can feel impossible to get a handle on stress and managing it in the most effective way, leading to substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. It’s important to learn how to recognize the signs that your loved one may need help managing their stress.

Common Stressors Young Adults Face

Young adults have a lot of pressure on them to succeed. Many want to get through college, land their dream job, start a family and find happiness. It’s common for them to want to exceed their parent’s expectations, making them work even harder, adding more pressure to their lives. The most common thing that stresses out many young adults includes:

  • College
  • Pressure to do well
  • Social life
  • Relationships
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Finances
  • Trying to handle too many things at once
  • Thinking about their future

Being a young adult isn’t easy because it involves making serious life changes and focusing on growing up and becoming independent.


Some young adults feel so completely overwhelmed with life that they resort to self-medication to cope. Young adults may resort to drinking, using stimulants, cocaine, inhalants, ecstasy, and many other types of drugs. Some signs that a loved one has a substance abuse problem include:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Appetite changes
  • Sudden weight changes
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired coordination
  • Decreased performance at school and work
  • Secretive and suspicious behavior

If you suspect that your loved one has a substance abuse problem, it’s important to speak up. There are numerous options for substance abuse treatment for young adults that can offer them the help they need.


Stress can end up leading to depression, leading to a persistent low mood, feelings of being hopeless, decreased self-esteem, and less interest in doing things they used to love doing. Some of the most common symptoms to be aware of include difficulty concentrating, insomnia, changes in appetite, persistent sad or empty feelings, and thoughts of suicide. It’s helpful to be there for a person with depression to let them know they’re not alone. Be compassionate and listen to their problems, rather than try to offer a variety of solutions for them. It can help to offer some positive and inspirational quotes to help them understand that there is hope.


Someone with high levels of stress can end up feeling severely anxious. Some anxiety is normal, but when it causes excessive worry, sleep problems, irrational fears, tension, self-consciousness, and panic, there may be a problem. There are many ways to ease anxiety, such as getting enough sleep, meditating, limiting alcohol and caffeine, regularly exercising, taking deep breaths, and trying to maintain a positive outlook. Some individuals may benefit from medication to keep their anxiety at bay.

Stress is normal, but when it gets in the way of everyday life, it’s important to take a step back and reevaluate expectations and time management. If your loved one seems to have a lot going on and are feeling overwhelmed, find ways to ease their burdens or just offer them a shoulder to cry on or just be there for them the best that you can. If they have a substance abuse problem, don’t hesitate to speak up and help them find treatment for their problem. Avoid confronting someone when they’re under the influence and understand that some are unwilling to get help.

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