Simple Tips On How To Use The Law Of Attraction.
Energy flows where attention goes. So right now, where is your attention?
Are you spending your time thinking nourishing, loving, and empowering thoughts? Or do find that the thoughts you have are pessimistic, harsh or negative?
As a simple definition, the Law of Attraction states that: “Like attracts like. That is, by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.
But how do we focus our minds on the positive in order to manifest that into our lives?
Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel. -Rhonda Byrne – How To Use The Law Of Attraction
First of all, you need to understand and truly believe that within you is limitless power and never ending possibility. You are a spiritual being having a human experience and you have the power to create your reality. This is the first key to using the law of attraction for success.
If you are struggling with this, then there is no point in spending time visualizing what you want, because you will not get it. You have to be in a state of trust, gratitude and confidence to manifest your desires.
It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction. – Charles Hammel – How To Use The Law Of Attraction
Step 1 – Hold in your minds eye the vision you want for your life.
Make it specific and do it constantly. Visualise while you eat, while you work and before you go to sleep. Be relentless. Don’t allow any doubtful thinking to corrupt your mind. Stay focused.
Step 2 – Write it down.
Make 2 clear lists. One of the things you don’t want and one of the things you do want. On each list, be as specific as you can and add reasons why.
For example: I don’t want to be overweight because it is dangerous to my health and I need to be around to take care of my family.
Or, I want to have plenty of money in my bank account so that I can afford to take time off work and be with my family.
Step 3 – Make a vision board.
Vision boards are a creative way to help you get excited about what it is you want. And excitement is the final key to using the law of attraction for success. You need to be filled with joy and gratitude when you are manifesting, and pictures really help with this. To create a vision board you simply need to find a set of images that reflect the life you want to have. Then you piece them together and place it somewhere in your home that you will look at it every single day. Include all aspects of your life from your health to your finances and even your relationships. Have fun with it!
Step 4 – Be proactive.
All the manifesting and visualising in the world will not help you achieve success unless you apply action as well. As you focus on what you want, be sure to pay attention to the opportunities and ideas that start to flow into your life as a result of the work you are putting in.
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. -Dr Martin Luther King Jr. – How To Use The Law Of Attraction
First use your heart, then your head, and then your hands.
How have you made the law of attraction work for you? Share your success stories below!
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