Inspiration keeps us going on the days when life gets a little challenging. Here The 5 Best Inspirational Books In the World to help you stay inspired.
Inspiration comes in many forms. Some people are inspired by nature; others find spending time with loved ones to be inspiring. For me, exploring the concept that there is more to life than meets the human eye is the most inspirational thing in the world.
The 5 Best Inspirational Books In the World.
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Eckhart Tolle
1- ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle.
Eckhart Tolle is a German born author whom, after spending much of his life depressed, turned his focus inwards and experienced what he refers to as a ‘personal transformation’. He is now an extremely well known spiritual teacher and mentor, travelling across the world sharing his teachings
We tend to spend a lot of our lives living through the noise in our heads. Very rarely do we allow ourselves the stillness of the Now. In his first book, ‘The Power of Now’, Tolle encourages and teaches us to learn how to live in the present moment, rather than in the stories in our minds, which often refer to the past or future. This is a powerful practice which if used daily can truly lead to a personal transformation.
Other books by Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth, Stillness Speaks.
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Deepak Chopra
2- ‘The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success’ by Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra is a renowned Indian American author and public speaker. He is an M.D. as well as an advocate for alternative medicine and spirituality. He openly endorses both Buddhism and Christianity.
In his book The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra reveals 7 specific insights that we can use in our day to day life to help us attain personal enlightenment. The Seven Spiritual Laws are simple yet powerful principles that you can use to fulfil your deepest desires with joy. One of the laws discusses the power of detachment. This does not mean emotional detachment from life in an uncaring sense. Detachment in the spiritual sense means to access a level of peace about your life and the situations in it. When you practice detachment, you are able to accept life as, it is rather than how you want it to be, and therefore you will naturally increase your happiness.
Other books by Deepak Chopra – The Book Of Secrets, How to Know God.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer
3- ‘The Power of Intention’ by Dr Wayne Dyer
Dr Wayne Dyer was a famous American author and speaker in the fields of spirituality and personal growth. He was the author of over 40 books and also created many audio and video programs during his career.
In his book The Power of Intention, Dr Dyer uncovers the idea that intention, which can sometimes be practiced as fearful propulsion into action, is actually a force in the Universe that allows the act of creation to take place. The idea is that you do not ‘do’ intention but it is what you are, a part of your divine place in the Universe. We all have divinity within us, we only need to trust, and allow it to shine through us.
Other books by Dr Wayne Dyer – Change Your Thoughts And Change Your Life, Wishes Fulfilled.
“I learned that real happiness doesn’t come from getting, but from giving.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
4- ‘Miracles Now’ by Gabrielle Bernstein
Gabrielle Bernstein has been named “a next-generation thought leader” by Oprah Winfrey. She is an author, speaker and certified Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher and has trained in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Transcendental Meditation.
Her book Miracles Now is an easy to read, go to guide for combating stress and finding inner peace in the modern world. Drawing inspiration from her spirituality, Bernstein delivers practical and profound tools to help you find peace immediately and with ease. Miracles Now is a great place to start for those who are starting out on their spiritual path or perhaps aren’t feeling the call to the more in depth and intense books on spirituality.
Other books by Gabrielle Bernstein – May Cause Miracles, Spirit Junkie.
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho
5- ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian novelist who’s most famous novel ‘The Alchemist’ has been translated into over 80 languages. He has received numerous awards for his writing and has sold over 200 million books worldwide.
The Alchemist is brilliant novel about a young man who follows his heart to seek out his personal legend. This book is filled with profound insights into the reality of life’s challenges and struggles. It creates wonderful perspective as the journey unfolds and is easily translatable into your own life. This book is for you if you are looking for inspiration to follow your dreams, when perhaps others would prefer you didn’t.
Other books by Paulo Coelho – Brida, By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept.
What are your favourite inspirational books? Share them below!
It’s always feel great to read inspirational books. They keep you motivated all the time. I will check this out. Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate your time for sharing the stuffs upstairs…
Coming to understand other’s thoughts on the situations out there is nothing short of an inspiration, across different shades through different lenses…