Habits Can Make You, But They Can Also Break You – Entrepreneur Motivation

Habits can MAKE you, but they can also BREAK you. One of the key differences between the successful & unsuccessful, between those at the highest level, and those destined for the common life, is HABITS.
Develop strong daily habits:
Every new strong habit you make will plant a seed of success in your future. All these little seeds will grow over time. EVERY ACTION MATTERS, every single day.

Habits can MAKE you, but they can also BREAK you #FearlessMotivation Click to Tweet

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Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speaker: Bryan Burton

Habits can MAKE you, but they can also BREAK you – WATCH FREE on YouTube:

Transcript – Habits Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

Habits can make you,
But they can also break you.

You become what you think about,
But you also become what you DO consistently.

Those daily habits, some conscious, some unconscious will determine if your life is successful or unsuccessful, and if our life is enjoyable or miserable.

Let’s go through some daily habits of the highly successful. The winners, champions, those who consistently perform at the highest level, those who live life to the fullest:

They set goals!
There’s a saying “if you don’t know where you’re going you’ll end up some place else” this is true in business and in life. If you don’t have clear targets to shoot toward, you will miss every time. Set goals and then make plans on how you intent to achieve them!

When they don’t feel like it, they do it anyway!

They work when no one is watching!
Make it a habit to work your ass off, and not seek recognition or praise for your hard work.
No one needs to understand your grind, understand your struggle.
You can tell your story WHEN you make it.
Far too many people want to be seen as hard workers, but not actually DO THE WORK. You want to let your actions do the talking for you.
You can’t fake results!

They prioritize!
Most of us humans tend to have far too much on our plate, and believe me, you’ll never get it all done!
You have to learn to prioritize your most important tasks, and completely drop the insignificant ones. Make sure you always do the highest reward tasks FIRST.
Pay someone to do the lawns and clean the house, you are chasing bigger things. FOCUS, LOCK IN and over time the seeds you plant will grow into greatness.

I’ve never met a successful human that wasn’t obsessed with growing, developing and learning more! All successful people have this in common. They always want to learn more and be better. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Replace some of your TV watching with self development material from the worlds greatest teachers. From those who HAVE ACHIEVED RESULTS. Not from life coaches who have never made money outside of life coaching. From the real success coaches who walk the walk and talk the talk.

Create new daily habits and I guarantee you, your life will change. Results will start improving very fast, but more than that you will feel better instantly, you will have juice for life and an excited drive to achieve great things. And that is really what it’s all about isn’t it – reaching that place where we are juiced every day, so excited to get the day going we don’t want to sleep.

Take action today
Do not wait!

if you don't know where you're going you'll end up some place else Click to Tweet
Pay someone to do the lawns and clean the house, you are chasing bigger things. Click to Tweet
I've never met a successful human that wasn't obsessed with growing, developing and learning more! Click to Tweet

habits motivational speech

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