Master Yourself (Motivational Speech) Fearless Motivation
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Lao Tzu once said:
“Mastering others is STRENGTH… Mastering YOURSELF is TRUE POWER”Mastering yourself – that is TRUE POWER… And that is a power you have within your control.
You are the captain of your fate, the DIRECTOR of your DESTINY. YOU WRITE the story of your life and you do so by the CHOICES you make in EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of your life, EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life.
It’s easy to master others. It’s NOT so easy to master yourself. Mastering yourself… how you feel about yourself, when you’re by yourself… that is the ultimate human test.
Mastering yourself starts with HONESTY. You have to be honest with yourself. You have to be REAL with yourself.
Are you living a life YOU ARE PROUD OF?
Are you PROUD of the person you have become?
Are you happy, more often than not?
Are you controlled by external factors like money, status or relationships?
Or are you in control of your emotions, your reactions, your responses and your feelings?
Can you do BETTER?
Are you willing to give up the life you are living, to reach for a better life? A life where you are pushing for your FULL POTENTIAL.
Are you willing to sacrifice things in your life to get what you REALLY want?
The truth is, in life, you get what you deserve. You get what you’re willing to work for. You get what you’ve sacrificed for. You get what you ACCEPT.
BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. Have you accepted a life LESS than your true capability? For most of us the answer is YES. For few of us, the response will be to TAKE ACTION NOW, and never let that be the case in the future.
You master yourself through NON STOP SELF-WORK. Work you are committed to do every single day of your life.
Goal setting. Goal HUNTING. GOAL achieving!
Breathing practices.
Everything and anything that makes you BETTER, stronger, clearer, happier, lighter, more peaceful, more focused. DO IT and DO IT DAILY.
There’s no better way to spend your time than doing things that make you FEEL better about yourself.
Things that make you sharpen the sword.
What happens when you get better, just a little bit, every single day?
The results compound on each other. At the start the results aren’t so noticeable. But over time they start to grow, and grow.
Opportunities arise and because you’ve done the work on yourself YOU ARE READY to take those opportunities and turn them into success stories.
When you continue to GROW yourself you get HUNGRY for more, and you have greater capacity to PUSH for more, to take more on.
You are capable of truly astonishing things. The changes you can make within just a year would blow your mind.
Commit to be one of the few people who dedicate their lives to be BETTER, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
LIVE by the motto “THE BEST IS YET TO COME” Believe that with every fibre of your being. It can be your truth.
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