How To Get Instagram Followers – Exclusive Interview With An Instagram Influencer

How To Get Instagram Followers – Exclusive Interview Instagram Influencer & Owner Of Foundr Magazine, Nathan Chan

how to get instagram followersInstagram. It is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet, with an estimated 400 million monthly users and the type of engagement and attention every business wants. But you want to know how to get Instagram followers – How do you get a massive, viral following on Instagram?

Well, we have the right man to show you exactly how. Nathan Chan of Foundr Magazine built his Instagram account from 0 to over 600,000 (Yes, not a typo: six hundred thousand) followers in just over 1 year.
He has used the very principles mentioned in our interview to pull in over 30,000 email subscribers in only 30 days, all generated from Instagram clicks.
When you add into the mix the huge business Nathan is generating every day, directly via Instagram, he is the perfect authority to give advice on the subject.

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How To Get Instagram Followers – Exclusive Interview With Nathan Chan

Fearless: For all of those starting out, or with relatively new accounts: How do you get noticed and gain traction on a platform that is home to 400 million users? 

Nathan Chan: The best way to get noticed on such a popular platform is to start producing original, valuable and actionable content. You want to make sure that every post you do either informs your audience of something they never knew before, or you give them a positive emotion. It’s all about serving your audience first and doing it in the best way possible while staying true to your brand.

Fearless: What would your advice be on the importance of quality and original content?

Nathan Chan: Don’t be scared into thinking that you need to be an amazing photographer or some sort of expert graphics designer to be producing original worthwhile content. The majority of the content we produce on the Foundr account is created on our phones with some incredibly simple apps!

Like I said before, you always want to make sure that every post you do provides something for your audience.

Fearless: Frequency. Is there a key number of posts per week or per day you recommend for success on Instagram?

Nathan Chan: When you’re first starting out you want to post at least three times a day, simply put the more you post the more followers you’ll get. But what’s more important that posting a lot is posting with consistency. Always try to maintain a level of consistency at all times.

Fearless:  Once you have gained traction, what is the secret to maintain solid growth on the platform?

Nathan Chan: Make sure you brand your content. When you do S4S with other influencers, you want your content to be instantly recognizable.

Fearless: What are the possibilities for success on this platform? (How much money can you make!)

Nathan Chan: You can easily start converting customers and opt-ins with Instagram. Within the first 2 weeks of us starting Instagram we aw a 30% rise in conversion rates, and recently we managed to achieve 30,000 opt-ins in just 30 days! All of it was through Instagram.

Fearless:  Do you believe ANY business or personal page can gain huge viral followings based on your principles?

Nathan Chan: Of course! We seen many of our Instagram Domination students from all walks of life achieve great things using our Instagram strategies! Whether it’s a personal account or a business account in a very specific niche, I can confidently guarantee you that these strategies will work for you.

Fearless: Any advice on what NOT TO DO on Instagram?

Nathan Chan: Don’t be spammy, it’s incredibly annoying and no one enjoys it. While it’s completely okay to promote yourself and your brand on Instagram, what’s not okay is constantly forcing it onto everyone’s feed.

Fearless:  You have achieved massive success, in what seems to be a very short space of time. What would you consider the top 3 principles you have applied to achieve this success?

Nathan Chan:
– Always hustle hard
– Learn from the very best
– Always give value to your audience

Fearless: How on earth have you been able to attract some of the greatest names in success and personal development, to such a new (but great) magazine? 

There really isn’t that much of a secret, it’s all about hustling hard every day. I didn’t start Foundr off with a huge network and access to these huge names, I just worked at it every day trying to push and grow Foundr until we could. I also think that we put a lot of work into our content, to make sure that it’s the best and something we can take a lot of pride in. Anyone we interview can take a look at our magazine and can immediately notice the high level of quality that we bring.

Fearless:  What would you say to someone starting out that may be hesitating on going for their dream?

Do it! Before someone else does before you!

Fearless:  Goals. Do you regularly set goals for Foundr? And what do you do when you achieve those goals?

We always set high goals for ourselves at Foundr, and to make sure that we’re always growing we’re always moving the goal posts too.

Fearless:  What are your secrets to maintain the hunger to succeed?

Constantly surround yourself with inspiring people who do more than just dream big.

> Learn How To Get Instagram Followers: Get Your First 10,000 Followers FAST with this FREE e-Book <
How To Get Instagram Followers

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