Better Than Yesterday – Intense Motivational Speech To Get You Fired Up | From the NEW album Success and Nothing Less
Are you committed today, to be better than yesterday. Committed today to ensure your FUTURE is better than your PAST?
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Lyrics – Better Than Yesterday – Intense Motivational Speech To Get You Fired Up | Fearless Motivation
Many of you are having a hard time with life.
Some of you rarely experience good times.
Some of you are doing “OK”, as you say, but want to go to the next level.
But NONE of you are going to reach the next level
unless you are committed EVERY DAY
If you are not committed today, to be better than you were yesterday, that must mean you are happy with AVERAGE, and i know none of you are happy with average.
Average is not for you, and average will not be you.
If you are already good level you can not do the same things at the same intensity week in and week out, and expect improved results.
You have to push yourself to new levels of discomfort for your body to change and improve.
The same is true for anything in life.
If you want to take all areas of your life to the next level –
You might already be at a good level. You might be at a great level, but you must understand there is ALWAYS another level!
You have to always raise the bar. First you set the standard, then you raise the bar.
You can not do the same things at the same intensity week in and week out, and expect improved results.
The world doesn’t work like that!
You give more and you get more!
You must understand, that despite perceived limitations you can always raise the bar in your life!
Set the standard… then raise the bar!
And there are no excuses!
I must be better than yesterday no matter what!
If I’m tired… no excuses!
I will still be better than yesterday!
If others don’t believe in me…
No excuses!
Still be better than yesterday !
If those around me don’t have the same standards –
no excuses!
Better than yesterday !
If I have to cut people off, to live the life I want to live
Don’t you dare quit.
Don’t you dare settle.
Don’t you dare back down.
Not today or any other day.
When the tough moments come, never forget you are in that moment writing your legacy.
In that tough moment you are setting the standard for your character.
Every day must be a COMMITTMENT
To improve
To be better
To be stronger
In every area!
You won’t be perfect.
But if you write this commitment down,
If you set targets to achieve with deadlines,
If you are committed,
If you believe,
There is NO REASON ON THIS EARTH you can’t achieve what you set out to achieve.
There is NO reason why, you can’t be unrecognizable a year from now, compared with who you WERE YESTERDAY
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