How Mental Illnesses Can Help You Become More Motivated to Succeed


Imagine waking up every single day and going about your daily routine, except while getting ready for the day, you start having delusions, hallucinations and hearing voices. Nobody can put themselves in those shoes unless they have actually been there. It would be an extremely difficult task. It would be even harder to try to hold down a daily job or career with all of that going on at the same time. However, it can be done. In fact, many famous and successful individuals have had mental health issues and still have become amazingly talented entrepreneurs and CEO’s of huge companies and businesses.

Super achiever’s Disease

For example, Slate reported Steve Jobs had something that people have called a maniacal overdrive, or “Super achiever’s Disease.” Yet he never let any of that hold him down or stand in his way of creating amazing products. He was, in fact, quite the unique man. Jobs was, in a way most would say, addicted to his work.

Steve Jobs – Connecting the Dots – Motivational Video:


Many scholars have stated that celebrities have this type of obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which is quite different from the typical obsessive-compulsive disorder commonly referred to as OCD. People have thoughts that cannot be made to disappear with OCD, but with OCPD, people are often inspired by their thoughts. Slate has reported, “To be super successful like Jobs, you also need that x-factor, which often comes from being a tad mad.” The main features of this obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are having a love of lists, order, details, schedules, cleanliness, and rules.


There are other mental illnesses that can affect a persons’ daily life, especially an illness like schizophrenia. Having a diagnosis of schizophrenia subtypes does not necessarily impact one’s life forever. Someone could still be just as active in their community or business with the right course of treatment, regardless of their diagnosis. There are five different sub-types of schizophrenia: catatonic, paranoid, disorganized, undifferentiated, and residual.

Brian Wilson, one of the main members of The Beach Boys, was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He is said to have produced one of the most successful and greatest albums of all time, Pet Sounds. He has auditory hallucinations, also known as hearing voices, accompanied with paranoia and has still became one of the most famous musicians. There are many people who have had mental illnesses but have not let it keep them from fulfilling their destinies as successful members of society.

Buddy Bolden was a very highly regarded jazz musician in the early 1900’s. He had schizophrenia and was still able to be very famous and successful. Music usually is a form of therapy for those afflicted with mental illnesses. It gives them a tool or gateway to let their stresses out.

Here’s To The Entrepreneurs – Motivational Speech WATCH FREE:

Entrepreneurs and Mental Illnesses

Sometimes personality traits typically associated with entrepreneurship are surprisingly relative to mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and depression. Those traits such as dynamic, brilliant, self-starting, risk taker, being prone to highs and lows, and a willingness to live with uncertainty are usually found in many successful entrepreneurs. These individuals typically do not ask for help, even when they may really need it. Unfortunately, there is evidence that the pressure of a high-demanding career can eventually trigger some type of mental illness. A healthy balance just needs to be kept and adapted to, so all those people can be successful in life.


Having mental illnesses do not limit a person’s potential. On the contrary, there are many successful people in the world that have learned to deal with their issues and overcame them to become some of the richest and most successful people. Recently a large number of people have been using technical intellect to minimize the tragic side of mental health issues. The challenge for those affected by mental illnesses is to encourage them to get the help they need when they need it, and to help those suffering to realize their mental illness is a benefactor.

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