Are you ready to become someone greater than anyone thought you could be?

Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be. Not Even You! – Motivational Speech

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Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be. Not Even You! – Motivational Speech – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Leonard Sicilian, Bryan Burton, Chris Ross

Music “BECOME SOMEONE – Sounds of Power 8” © Fearless Motivation, composed by Patrick Rundblad

Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be. Not Even You! – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Film by Indie Creative Agency
Cast: Cat RidoutChudier GatwechBradley HallJuan David OcampoYulia JuliKarl NevinAlex Cheong

Transcript – Become Someone Nobody Thought You Could Be. Not Even You! Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

Think for a moment about a movie scene… one that really moved you… a movie that you really felt deeply, really felt emotionally. Think about all your favorite movies, all the top movies and top actors.

In the great movies… those who really connect with you emotionally… the movies that really MOVE YOU… The actors are not acting. The actors BECOME the character. The great actors don’t need to act, because they BECOME the character they are playing.

That is exactly what YOU need to do… if you want to have great success AND live a GREAT LIFE. You have to BECOME someone else.

You have to become someone NOBODY thought you could be. Not even you.

You have to leave the little-mind mentality you grew up with.

 You have to drop the negativity you have towards successful people. 

Drop the negativity you have towards hard work,
 and drop the negativity you have towards sacrifice.

You must RISE into this NEW person.

YOU WILL NOT STOP until you become EVERYTHING you’ve ever dreamed of and so much more!

That kind of person doesn’t procrastinate. 
They just do. 
They just dive in head first.

 They learn the lessons, they apply lessons and turn them into BLESSINGS!

That type of person doesn’t stop at failure.

 They don’t stop at ANY number of setbacks. 

They find solutions. 

They are always learning, listening and growing – and they are certainly never STOPPING.

Rest if you must. Don’t you dare stop.

That type of person doesn’t listen to others opinions… unless… UNLESS they are VALUABLE. 

Listen, sometimes you have to take on criticism and APPLY it. 

You must be smart and strong enough to ignore the haters and ignore the negativity that is NOT valuable.

 Some people just hate for no reason.
 FOCUS all your energy on YOUR end goal.

That type of person makes priorities.
 They choose to LEARN over PARTY.
 They choose to WORKOUT over SLEEP IN, they choose to give time to things that take them closer to their goals not further away.

That type of person is HONEST. 
They are honest with themselves and where they are in life and take responsibility for closing the gap.

 They are honest with others and always live and act with INTEGRITY –
Knowing you can never be successful living a lie or living your life trying to be someone else.

I know you’re tired… but what if you could give more? 

I know they don’t believe in you… 
but what if YOU believed in you?

 Who could you become if you started to BACK YOURSELF?

No, it’s not easy being great. It’s pretty straight forward. But it’s NEVER EASY.

You sacrifice. You take responsibility. You prioritize. You follow your gut. You KEEP GOING! And you work your guts out! That’s it. Simple principles that only those with true character LIVE BY.

Do you have the character?

And if you haven’t… what are you going to do about it?

You CAN develop that strength. You CAN form new habits.

If you don’t like where you are: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don’t complain about it if you’re not willing to work for it.

Step by step you can become someone NO ONE thought you would be… not even you.

Step by step you can GROW. Grow into someone who makes a difference. GROW into someone who sets the example. GROW into someone who inspires through ACTION… through EXAMPLE… through undeniable RESULTS.

I know you can only see darkness… but I need you to BELIEVE IN THE LIGHT!
I know you’re tired… but what if you could DIG DEEPER INSIDE?
What if you could find more?

Don’t you dare waste this life. You can become ANYONE!

GROW into that person.
 GROW through consistency. 
GROW through ACTION.

If you don’t like where you are: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don’t complain about it if you’re not willing to work for it.

You will show them.
 You will show them through action.
 Though hard work and dedication.
 Through belief and sacrifice. Through heart and courage.

Step by step you can become someone NO ONE thought you would be… not even you.

Don’t you get it?

 This world NEEDS YOU! 
People that you know NEED YOU! 
People you’ve never even met NEED YOU! 

They need you to RISE!
 They need you to RISE so they can RISE!
 They need you to FIGHT so they have FIGHT!

They need you to become someone so THEY CAN BE SOMEONE!

You WILL show the world.
 You will show the world through your EXAMPLE.


BECOME that person.
Be that person.

become someone nobody thought you could be

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One Response

  1. Ron

    This is excellent and how I became something unique in the world a dozen years ago. Since then dozens of people copied me – it does not matter, I remain #1 and always will.

    Thank you very much, Fearless Motivation.


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