Warrior Motivational Video & Speech by Fearless Motivation

Develop the strength and mindset of a warrior. Know you are strong enough to move past ANY challenges coming in your future. KNOW you are stronger than anything that has happened in your past.

You are stronger than your PAST & the challenges coming in your FUTURE. Click to Tweet

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Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Jones 2.0 , Chris Ross

Warrior (Motivational Video) by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – WARRIOR Motivational Video | Fearless Motivation

The devil whispered:
“You cannot withstand the storm:
The warrior replied:

You are a warrior.
You will get through the storm.
You will show the storm who’s boss.
You will show everyone you are stronger than all things that have hurt you.
You are stronger than your past!
You are stronger than the challenges coming in your future!

You will tell yourself:
I don’t invite life’s challenges,
But i don’t back down from them either.
I know we all face tough times.
I know i am not exempt from life’s struggles.
But i know i am STRONG
I know this will pass
I know there will be better days…
BUT ONLY if i keep fighting
Like a warrior!
Fighting with all my heart.
The heart of a lion.

The strength i have is like no other
I am not a survivor,
I don’t survive,
I can do this and I WILL GET THROUGH THIS

Warriors are built from the struggle, formed from pain, strengthened by adversity.
Embrace your challenges and push through them like the warrior you are.

You are stronger than your PAST
And you are stronger than the challenges coming in your future!

The strength i have is like no other!
I am not a survivor!
I don’t survive,
I can do this and I WILL GET THROUGH THIS!

I make the best of bad situations.
I see the opportunity in the struggle.
I grow strength from my hardships.
I am thankful for my hard times – they make me stronger.
I am thankful for the pain – it makes me raise my game.
I am grateful for the worst of times, it ensures my story will be a great one.

From nothing to something
From the bottom to the TOP

I am not a survivor, i am a WARRIOR! Click to Tweet
I am thankful for the PAIN, it makes me RAISE my GAME Click to Tweet

From the BOTTOM to the TOP, HERE I COME Click to Tweet

warrior motivational speech

warrior motivational video

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16 Responses

  1. Sen. Anastasia Pittman

    I am motivated to live in my new-self, walk in my purpose, and embrace my greatness.

  2. Sen. Anastasia Pittman

    Thank you for the wealth of motivation. I live to serve others, use best practices and help them discover their destiny.
    Sometimes you have to encourage yourselves. We need to be rejuvenated in order to continue our service to others.

  3. Shane Landers

    Thank you for this resource. I found this on iTunes and had to know where it came from. Then I found the site. I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t benefit from a dose of this everyday. Once again, thank you.

  4. Robin

    Nice. Really motivational for everyone. It helps people to come out from depression.


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