Sir Richard Branson is one of the worlds most well-loved entrepreneurs, made famous through his brand the Virgin Group. His creative and cheeky attitude to business has helped him build a fortune. His net worth is currently estimated at 5 billion dollars.


Here are 5 powerful Sir Richard Branson Quotes & Top 10 Rules For Success.


5 Powerful Sir Richard Branson Quotes.

richard branson quotes

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” Sir Richard Branson Quotes

richard branson quotes

“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” Sir Richard Branson Quotes

Sir Richard Branson

“Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.” Sir Richard Branson Quotes

“My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, ’Oh God, I’ve got to do this today.’” Sir Richard Branson Quotes

“Through the right people focusing on the right things, we can, in time, get on top of a lot if not most of the problems of this world.” Sir Richard Branson Quotes


Sir Richard Branson’s Top 10 Rules For Success.


1- Keep it simple.

Sometimes we complicate things unnecessarily. Simplify your business so that you can focus on what’s important.


2- Give it a try.

We only regret the chances we didn’t take. Don’t spend the rest of your life making someone else rich because you don’t have the courage to follow your dreams. Take a chance, take a risk and give it shot!


3- Be a leader.

To be great in business you must be a great leader. How do you become a great leader? By focusing on others, rather than on yourself. The irony? When you give to others and help them achieve success, they will help you achieve yours.


4- Don’t give up.

The single difference between the successful and the non-successful is this- successful people don’t quit. EVER. Even when things get tough, there is always a way. Dig deep and stay on track.


5- Delegate.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses are key in creating a successful business and a successful life! If you know you aren’t great at something, delegate. That way you can focus your energy on what you are good at.


6- Treat people well.

The old idea that you have to cut others down to be successful is dead. To be truly successful you need to be kind. You never know who you may need in the future, remember that.


7- Shake things up.

The most successful people are fantastic at identifying the problems of the world and getting creative about solving them. Nothing new ever happened by following the status quo.


8- People will be sceptical.

When you come up with a new idea or concept, people will be sceptical. Don’t expect to have the full support of everyone around you, because they can’t yet see your vision! Stay true to you and your goals, and forget the sceptics.


9- Affect lives positively.

What is the point of becoming successful if you don’t use that success to make a positive difference in the world? Success without fulfilment is failure.


10- Do things differently.

This really is the essence of success: Be different! Imitation is boring and people won’t pay top dollar for it. Tap into your creativity, get brave and unleash your vision into the world.


What are your favourite Richard Branson Quotes? Share them below!

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