Shiv Khera is an Indian author of several powerful self-help books and is also an activist in India. He began his career and teaching after a lecture from the legendary speaker Norman Vincent Peale.
He began to follow Peale’s teachings and spread his word with others to help them find success. Today he is a very popular keynote speaker, author, business consultant and educator with an empowering message.
Use these Shiv Khera quotes for motivation to get started working on your dreams!
“Winners see the gain; losers see the pain.” – Shiv Khera
Are you committed to winning in your own life? The quickest way to tell is how you view failure.
Winners view failure as the path to success. Losers view failure through the lens of a fixed mindset. But if you want to achieve and win in life you have to be okay with failing.
As Les Brown said, “You have to fail your way to success.”
“The way to get started is to stop talking and get started.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
Overthinking anything is a disease. If you want to change your life in any way you need to start taking action today, not tomorrow or next week.
If you want to lose weight clear your cupboards of bad food, start exercising, and begin planning your meals and workouts for the following day. Or, if you want to start an online business quit waiting for the right time. Take action by buying your domain, creating content, and getting started.
As Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.”
“Success is not an accident. It is the result of your attitude and your attitude is a choice. Hence, success is a matter of choice and not chance.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
Success is never an accident. It’s doing the hard work over and over again.
It’s creating a vision for your life and making it happen. Success is creating a positive attitude that will let you go from one failure to the next with no lack of enthusiasm.
Never forget that success is a choice, choose to believe in you!
“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
Action plus the right thoughts, over time, will create massive success. Too many people are lacking in one or the other and wonder why they don’t achieve greatness.
You need both. Without action, positive thinking will only make you feel good. Without positive thinking, it will be way too easy to give up quickly.
Cultivating both will set you up to achieve your wildest dreams.
“True character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
The discipline you experience when you are alone is your true character. If you want to achieve greatness in your life you have to keep the little promises you make yourself.
“The difference between a great man and a little man is their commitment to integrity and hard work.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
Hard work always wins and integrity always prevails.
Choose to be committed to achieving your goals. Once you have the right mindset and lofty goals you can become the greatest version of yourself.
“So long as you have your eyes on the goal, you don’t see the obstacles.” – Shiv Khera Quotes
Focus on the goal, not the obstacles. The bigger the goal, the more obstacles you will face. But if you keep your eye on the target you will find ways around these obstacles and ultimately reach your goal.
Use these Shiv Khera quotes to work on your character and integrity. If you practice improving both enough, over time, you will develop a version of yourself you never thought possible.
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