Have you ever wondered why some hard workers are so successful and others can’t seem to figure it out?

Is it identity? Self-image? Lack of belief?

Let’s face it, if you want to find success in any area of life you have to work hard. Working hard is the minimum you need to get to the level of success you want.

But is “working smarter” the answer? Yes and no. While you need both, you might have to make a few other adjustments.

4 Reason You Aren’t Finding Success in Life

1. You Have Shiny Object Syndrome

You’re never going to find success if you are constantly going after whatever’s exciting at the moment. And in today’s world of social media, it’s so easy to do.

For example, I have an online business selling online courses but I met some people doing e-commerce (and making a ton of money) a few months ago. Instead of staying with my business, I tried to do what they were doing, even though I had no experience and ended up losing time and money.

It’s not that I couldn’t have been successful, it’s that I was thinking short-term, not long term. If you’re starting something new, make sure to see it through before going into the next adventure.

Don’t waste your time jumping around from one thing to another without first mastering one topic. Then, you can find ways to strategically find new opportunities.

Why Working Smarter & Harder Will Never Be Enough FOCUS quote quotes follow one course until success hard work how to make money business success get rich

2. You Are Talking With The Same People

If you want to find success but keep asking the same people for advice, chances are you’re going to get the same results. Trust me, I get it… It’s easy to hang out with people you’ve known for a long time. The inside jokes, the old memories, etc.

But with old friends comes old stories and the same advice. Unless they are leveling up like you are, it’s easy to hang out with the same people, have the same ideas, and not challenge yourself to find new ideas, and solutions.

Remember, working hard and smart isn’t enough. You have to immerse yourself with people doing what you want to do at a high level.

You can’t hang out with average people and expect amazing results. Seek out groups or people who make you feel inadequate (at first) so they can help bring you up to their level of success.

Why Working Smarter & Harder Will Never Be Enough FOCUS quote quotes follow one course until success hard work how to make money business success get rich don't fear failure fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today DAN LOK QUOTE WHEN YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WHAT HAPPENS IS YOU GAIN POWER

3. You’re Hate Taking Risks

When Elon Musk sold Paypal he made over 180 million dollars. Most people would retire tomorrow and end up on a beach for the next 50 years.

But not someone as extraordinary as Elon. No, instead he spent all of that money (yes, all of it) funding SpaceX and Tesla.

At the time, this was a monumental risk. SpaceX was the first private company looking into space exploration and electric cars were basically laughed at. But he believed in himself and took the risk. Now, he’s worth over 5 billion dollars.

I’m not saying you need to bet every dollar on yourself but I am saying to take calculated risks. Remember, if ou keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get the results you’ve always got.

Why Working Smarter & Harder Will Never Be Enough FOCUS quote quotes follow one course until success hard work how to make money business success get rich don't fear failure fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today

4. You Hate Change

Change is necessary for growth. And most people think they hate change when in reality it’s just the brain’s survival mechanism trying to help you avoid pain and discomfort.

Remember, your brain is hardwired to hate change, it up to you to push through fear, doubt, and uncomfortable situations to become the next best version of you. The more you do it on a regular basis, the better you’ll get and the less you’ll dread changing.  

As Tony Robbins said, “If you want life to change, you have to change. If you want life to get better, you have to get better. It’s the only way it’s going to happen.”

Start addressing these four issues and I promise you can find success. Quit trying to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

4 Responses

  1. Gazelle dela Pena

    For me, I think it’s about hating change but slowly I’m learning to accept and embrace changes. Thanks for this reminder.


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