15 Inspiring Roger Federer Quotes – Quotes Of A Champion
Roger Federer is the greatest tennis competitor of all time. With 17 Grand Slam titles in his arsenal, there’s a lot he can teach us about life, winning and success. Here are the top Roger Federer quotes that will motivate you to become great yourself.
1. “There is no way around hard work. Embrace it. You have to put in the hours because there’s always something which you can improve. ”
Lesson: What one thing do you want in your life? Have you taken any action to achieve it?
Everyone wants success, but only few work for it. And they’re the ones who realize their dreams. You need to walk your talk.
2. “When you do something best in life, you don’t really want to give that up – and for me it’s tennis”.
Lesson: You need to do what you love and dedicate your life to it. Stop worrying about how will you achieve it and make a living out of it. Figure out what to do. Once you acquire skill over the years, money will come.
3. “I think it’s very hard for coaches to work with me. They’ll no doubt have a good CV afterwards, but at the same time they’re under a lot of pressure.”
Lesson: There’s no limits to what you can achieve. Set big goals. You can even achieve the level of success where your idols will be under pressure because of you. That’s how high you can go.
4. “There was a time where some players didn’t believe they could beat the top guys. So maybe there’s a little bit of a thing happening at the moment. I’m happy about that, that players believe they can beat the best on the biggest courts in the biggest matches.”
Lesson: You must believe in yourself and in your ability to change for the better. Everyone starts as an amateur. You can create something that has never happened before. This is one of the most moving Roger Federer quotes ever.
Roger Federer Motivational Video:
5. I’m a very positive thinker, and I think that is what helps me the most in difficult moments.
Lesson: What you think, you attract in your life. Be aware of your thoughts. Don’t worry about what others say about you. Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about people.
6. “What I think I’ve been able to do well over the years is play with pain, play with problems, play in all sorts of conditions.”
Lesson: Your success and opportunities will come from your intentions. The circumstances may seem hard, but the real game lies in your mind. When circumstances seem tough, use your mind to stay positive.
7. “I am now the Wimbledon champion, and I think that gives me even more confidence coming to the Olympics. And maybe in some ways, it maybe takes some pressure off the Olympics, because I already did win at Wimbledon this year.”
Lesson: You need to set goals in life. After you achieve level one, you’ll have the courage to go after level two. You don’t need to become a legend today. That’s the reason people think it’s difficult. You have all the time in the world. But you need to start now.
8. I always believe if you’re stuck in a hole and maybe things aren’t going well you will come out stronger. Everything in life is this way.
Lesson: If you feel stuck due to external forces, understand it’s how you will grow. You need to have trust in life in order to survive the hard times.
9. “It is always in my mind still that I can crush anybody. That’s not an issue. But I think that is the same for most athletes. If you don’t believe you can win tournaments anymore, then you can’t do it.”
Lesson: The vision you have in your mind will materialize in reality. See yourself conquering your fears and you will. Your mind is the most powerful machine. Use it for yourself.
10. You have to believe in the long term plan you have but you need the short term goals to motivate and inspire you.
Lesson: People often wait for the right moment or motivation to do things. You can create motivation by setting short-term goals and a long-term plan. That’s why Roger Federer quotes are useful – they show you how to keep motivated.
11. Previously I always thought it was just tactical and technique, but every match has become almost mental and physical-I try to push myself to move well. I try to push myself not to get upset and stay positive, and that’s what my biggest improvement is over all those years. Under pressure I can see things very clear.
Lesson: Whatever it is that you do – singing, writing, painting; your craft will improve if you improve your mindset. If your mind is strong, you will be more creative. So nourish your mind and be positive. This is one of the best Roger Federer quotes.
12. I’ve always been aware that the image you patiently construct for an entire career can be ruined in a minute. It scares you a bit, but that’s the way things are.
Lesson: Building a reputation takes several years. Hence, it is important to be consistent. You need to deliver what you promise every time. This can either paralyze you or motivate you. It’s your choice.
13. Sometimes you have to accept that a guy played better on the day than you.
Lesson: You will fail no matter how good you are. But it’s a part of the process. It’s okay to lose a couple battles if your end goal is to win the war.
14. “Once you find that peace, that place of peace and quiet, harmony and confidence, that’s when you start playing your best.”
Lesson: You must not be afraid to try and do the things that you want. Start with small things and conquer your fear. Your fear will vanish if you run towards it. That’s why we love Roger Federer quotes – they teach you how to dedicate yourself to your craft.
15. “I fear no one, but respect everyone.”
Lesson: All humans are equal irrespective of their social status or cultural background. We all play a role in the collective human evolution. So fear no one. But respect all.
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